Thank you for choosing to Partner with Us

Giving is expression for love and trust in God. Giving is just an opportunity to honor Him aside from the supernatural results we will see in our own lives. We will also see lives changed around the world through gospel. Your gifts help us make life better, feed and clothe the homeless, assist the destitute, and provide hundreds of children with school items and food.

Develop a culture and a life of giving – this allows you to regularly remind yourself of God’s faithfulness and to express gratitude to Him by giving, to meet the needs of others. Please do note that your tithes should be given at the church where you worship – where you are being fed spiritually. May God Bless You abundantly as you give to the Lord.

M-PESA Payment Procedure
1. Go to the M-PESA menu on your phone
2. Select Pay Bill Option
3. Enter the following business number: 557676
4. Enter Your Name as the Account Number
5. Enter the total amount (e.g. Kshs. 5,000)
6. Enter your PIN and click on Send
7. You will receive a transaction confirmation SMS from M-PESA
8. Enter the M-PESA Confirmation Code Only on section provided below