Episode 1: We are all in full-time ministry

Mulandi Chronicles - We are all in full-time ministry

You cannot say you are not in full-time ministry”.

These words were part of the opening remarks when Henry Mulandi addressed nine school
principals from Mwingi. He had invited them for lunch to share his heart and
mind on matters of Christian ministry in schools. The team leader of the nine
was Bishop Peter Kilonzo, principal at Masinga Boys and a fivefold minister at
a church in Sultan Hamud.


They began with a round of introductions, and I note that each teacher is a born-again Christian.
As Henry speaks to them, he paints a picture of the great harvest in schools. A
captive audience, millions across the nation, ready to hear the good news of
the cross and God’s saving grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He labours
to help them see and recognize the immense authority that God has bestowed upon
them to inspire their learners and order their school after God. It is in this
same way that God trusted Abraham when He said of him:

For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and
they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD
may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. Genesis 18:19

Henry earnestly desires that the teachers begin to view themselves as full-time ministers,
deployed by God to advance God’s kingdom in the schools where they are.
Imagine, for a minute! Pockets of kingdom institutions spread across this
nation. Having been a teacher himself, he acknowledges that the skill of
teaching has been instrumental in his carrying out his ministry. The teachers
do not have to wait to serve at their local church or retirement.

Join us next time for part 2 of this story.

The communication team.


3 thoughts on “Episode 1: We are all in full-time ministry”

  1. This is very inspiring. Synergy. God forgive us for missed opportunities and help us to take up future opportunities moving forward. The harvest is plentiful.

  2. Perhaps the intend was always that – go yee into the world and make disciples. May I identify my space in the world to do ministry.

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